AWS Lambda¶
AWS Lambda means you don't care about any infrastructure, you just upload a function to AWS. You can then use that function from other services like APIGateway, SNS or even CLI. You upload Lambda code as a zip.
- Limited by time – short executions
- Scaling is automated.
- Apps must be state-less.
- Brand-new invocation, brand-new env.
- vCPU is allocated indirectly & scales with the memory allocated.
- 128 (default) – 10240 MB
- /tmp storage (512Mb-10240Mb)
- Max run time (15 mins)
- Lambda functions
- By default only public traffic
- Run code serverless
- Pay per compute time
- scaling is automated
- No charge if not running
- Operates from AWS owned docs/networks/VPC
- By default only public traffic.
- You can enable function docs/networks/VPC access if you need private resources from your docs/networks/VPC
- Scale up based on request amount
- Can set custom function timeout
- Can be packaged and deployed as container images
Key Considerations¶
- Max execution run time (900s – 15 mins)
- Assume each execution gets a new runtime environment.
- Use the execution role which is assumed when needed.
- Always load data from other services from public APIs or S3.
- Store data to other services (e.g., S3).
- 1M free requests and 400,000 GB-seconds of compute per month.
- Limited by time SHORT EXECUTIONS
- if you need both private and public resources, you will have to enable docs/networks/VPC access and use a NAT gateway to access the internet
Use cases¶
- Serverless applications (S3, APIGateway, Lambda)
- File Processing (S3,S3 Events, Lambda)
- Database Triggers (DynamoDB, DynamoDB Streams, Lambda)
- Serverless CRON (EventBride/CloudWatch Events + Lambda)
- Real-time Stream Data Processing (Kinesis + Lambda)
- uses CloudWatch, CloudWatch Logs & X-Ray
- logs from Lambda executions - CloudWatch Logs
- Metrics – invocation successes/failures, retries, latency stored in CloudWatch.
- Lambda can be integrated with x-ray for distributed tracing.
- CloudWatch Logs requires permissions via Execution Role
Some Integrations¶
Serverless Thumbnail creation¶
Serverless CRON Job¶
- Synchronous invocation.
- Human directly or indirectly invoking the lambda.
- Result (success or failure)have to be handled within the client.
- Errors or Retries have to be handled within the client.
- Asynchronous invocation.
- Typically, used when AWS services invoke lambda functions.
- Lambda function needs to idempotent.
- Reprocessing a result should have the same end state.
- Events can be sent to DLQ after repeated failed processing.
- Lambda supports destinations where successful or failed events can be sent:
- Event Source mappings.
- Typically used on streams or queues which don't support event integration to invoke Lambda
- Kinesis Data Stream.
- DynamoDB Streams.
- SQS.
- Pull events in batches.
- Permissions from the lambda execution role are used to access each resource when using event source mappings.
- Typically used on streams or queues which don't support event integration to invoke Lambda
- a version is the code + the config of the lambda
- it's immutable.
- It never changes once published & it has its own ARN
- Aliases (DEV, STAGE, PROD) point at a version – can be changed*
- per invocation, a new execution context is created
- can use Provisioned concurrency to keep X contexts warm and ready to use
- improving start speeds.
- IAM roles control permissions lambda function receives.
- Lambda has resource policy.
- What services and accounts CAN INVOKE lambda functions?
Lambda authorizer¶
- Send additional info based of bearer token or request context
- Is useful because you can skip having too lookup users inside of your function (you pass the user data)
- Don't pass credentials! (Though you could)
Compute Power¶
- Relative to memory allocation, which can be manually set
Lambda Layer¶
- Zip archive which contains libraries, custom runtime and other dependencies
- A single function can use up to 5 layers.
- Can use self created layers or already published ones
- Unzipped size cannot exceed 250mb for a function and all layers which it depends on
Container Image¶
- If using an image, the image must implement the Lambda runtime API.
- Docker in Lambda is anti pattern.
- ECS and Fargate is preferred for running arbitrary docker images (without Lambda runtime API embedded in the image).
- Pay per calls:
- First 1 million are free.
- 0.20 cent per one million request after
- Pay per duration(in increments of 1 ms):
- 400000 GB-Seconds per month free
- Price scales up after that depending on GB seconds (more will be cheaper per GB second)
Limits Per Region¶
- 128 MB to 10 GB (1mb increments)
Max Exec Time¶
- 900 seconds/ 15 mins
ENV vars¶
- 4kb for all vars together
- 512 MB to 10 GB
- 1000 but can be increased
Zip Size¶
- 50 MB
Uncompressed With Dependencies¶
- 250 MB
- can use /tmp to load other files after/on startup
- 512 MB to 10Gb