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Auto Scaling Group


A Group of EC2 Instances scaled horizontally, can use an ELB or work without it if there is no incoming traffic. Can use ELB or EC2 health checks. Can also be used for ECS in which case it uses an ECS service as target.


  • scale horizontally.
  • scale out and in:
    • scale out ⇾ add EC2 instances to match increased load.
    • scale in ⇾ remove EC2 instances to match decreased load.
  • Ensure maximum and minimum ECS2 running.
  • automatically register EC2 with load balancer.
  • if instance is unhealthy it will be terminated and recreated.
  • set desired capacity.
  • must wait for cooldown period to expire to scale again. Pasted image 20230522194420.png

ASG Launch template

  • similar to launch config
  • specifies same stuff
  • allows for multiple versions of a template
  • can mix on demand and spot instances Pasted image 20230522185838.png

Launch configuration (Deprecated)

  • defines instance configuration (size etc.)
  • AMI
  • instance Type
  • key pair
  • SecurityGroup
  • block device mapping
  • can not be modified but must be swapped if already in use

EC2 Tenancy

Instance States


  • used for maintenance
  • won't be terminated if health check fails
  • won't receive traffic

Termination Order

  1. Cost (Spot vs. on-demand)
  2. the oldest launch configuration
  3. the oldest launch template
  4. closest to next billing hour

Scaling Policies


  • scale by threshold values (CPU > 50%).
  • must wait for scaling and health check to complete to scale again.


  • scale by multiple threshold values to different configs.


  • scale on predefined time window.

Target Tracking

  • scale to match the defined metric (e.g., 50% CPU)
  • must not wait for cooldown period

Predictive scaling

  • continuously forecast load and schedule scaling ahead Pasted image 20230522190627.png

Scaling Actions


Happens when an instance is missing or AZ is changed or Spot shenanigans. 1. Launch new instances 2. Terminate old instances.


Happens for health checks 1. Terminate 2. Launch new