AWS Key Managed Service¶
- create and manage cryptographic keys
- control use of keys
- FIPS 140-2 (L2) valid
- used for EBS encryption
- integrated with iam for auth
- Can audit use of keys via CloudTrail
- 3 cent per 10000 api calls.
- by default scoped per region
- single region key: keys are isolated to a region & never leave
- multi region key: allow key to be replicated in other regions
- 2 types of keys: AWS owned & customer owned
- for customer owned keys => aws Managed or Customer Managed Keys
- Customer managed keys are more configurable
- KMS Keys support rotation
- aws owned keys => auto rotation every 1 year - can't be disabled
- customer keys => auto rotation every 1 year
- enabled by default
- but can't be disabled.
- Backing Key and previous backing keys - as a key is rotated data encrypted with old versions can still be decrypted**.
- key aliases are scoped to region
- cost & levels where throttling occurs - 5500 or 10 k or 50k p/s across regions.
Key Policies¶
- similar to resource policies
- controll access to kms
- default = no one in this account can use the key
- use for cross account
Key Types¶
- AES256 keys
- single key to encrypt and decrypt
- AWS services which use KMS use this
- you can only get this key via api call
- public key (encrypt)
- private key (decrypt)
- can download public key
- private key only api
- use case: encryption outside of aws which access to api
- aws managed
KMS Keys or (old naming) Customer Manged Key (CMK)¶
use case: - work on small bits of data - generate other keys - 1 dollar a month - keys never leave the KMS service - kms keys are logical - Id , date, policy desc & state - backed by physical key material - generated or imported - kms keys can be used for up to encrypt or decrypt 4kb of data
Data Encryption Keys - DEKs¶
- GenerateDataKey - works on > 4kb
Key Rotation¶
AWS Manged key¶
- automatic every 1 year
- must be enabled
- automatic very uear
- if importet only manual rotation with use of alias
Multi Region Keys¶
- keys are replicated with same id into diffrent region
- encrypt and decypt in other keys
- use case to encrypt global services (auroa global, dynamo global tables)