- serverless.
- Uses SQL Language.
- Interactive query Service to analyze data in s3.
- Per only per queries run.
- Process logs.
- Ad hoc analysis.
- Expensive if data is not columnar.
- Store results back to S3.
Use case¶
- when you need to analyze data in S3 using serverless.
- Commonly used with QuickSight.
- CloudTrail trails.
- ELB Logs
- query VPC Flow Logs.
- Business intel, analytics, reporting.
- Use Glue to convert data to parquet or orc.
- Partition data by path.
pathtoBucket/pathtotable /partition_col_key /partionen_col_key
- Use larger files
Supported Data types¶
- Avro
- Parquet (faster than CSV)
- 5 Dollar per TB scanned.
Performance Improvement¶
- Use Columnar data for cost-savings (less scan)
- Apache Parquet or ORC.
- Use Larger files > 128 Mb to minimize overhead.
- Use Glue to convert your data to Parquet or ORC.
- Compress data for smaller retrievals (bzip2, gzip,lz4,snappy, zlip, zstd).
- Partition datasets in S3 for easy querying on virtual columns:
Federated Query¶
- Query data from outside from S3.
- One Lambda function per Data Source Connector.
- Use data source Connectors (Lambda function which connects to another service):
- CloudWatch Logs.
- DynamoDB.
- RDS.