Central service for all logs and metrics in AWS.
Central service for all logs and metrics in AWS.
- can set up alarms.
- Can stop, terminate, reboot and recover EC2 instances.
- Can trigger Lambda or EventBride.
CloudWatch Metrics¶
- Metrics for every service in AWS.
- Bucket by namespaces.
- Up to 30 dimensions per metric.
- A metric can has up to 10 attributes.
- Metrics can have timestamps.
- Can create dashboard.
- Can create custom metrics.
Metrics NOT Collected¶
- Memory utilization
- Disk swap utilization
- Disk space utilization
- Page file utilization
- Log collection
- If you need the above information, then you can retrieve it via the official CloudWatch agent, or you can create a custom metric and send the data on your own via a custom script.
CloudWatch's metrics streams¶
- continually stream CloudWatch metrics to:
- Kinesis Firehouse.
- 3rd party providers.
- Dynatrace.
- New Relic
- Splunk.
- Sumo Logic.
- Option to filter metrics, to just send a subset.
CloudWatch Logs¶
- Log groups (application name).
- Log steam (log files, instances within on app, containers).
- Can define log expiration days (1 day to 10 years).
- Logs are encrypted by default.
- Can set up KMS-based encryption with your own keys.
Targets To Send Logs To¶
How to send Logs¶
- SDK.
- CloudWatch Logs agent.
- CloudWatch unified agent.
- ElasticBeanstalk, collection of logs from application.
- ECS collection from containers.
- AWS Lambda collection from function logs.
- docs/networks/VPC flow logs.
- APIGateway.
- CloudTrail based on filter.
- Route53 DNS requests.
- look for IP.
- look for string.
- Can trigger CloudWatch alarms.
- query logs for dashboard
- Query engine, NOT Real-time.
- Can query multiple log groups in different AWS accounts.
- Auto discovers fields from AWS services and JSON log events.
CloudWatch Container Insights¶
- collect and aggregate logs from containers.
- ECS.
- EKS.
- Kubernetes platforms on EC2.
- Fargate (both for ECS and EKS.
- Used containerized version of the container agent.
CloudWatch Lambda Insights¶
- metrics for Lambda functions
- CPU time.
- Memory.
- Disk.
- Network.
- It is provided via Lambda layer.
- Collets, aggregates & summarizes diagnostic info.
- Cold starts.
- Lambda worker shutdowns.
Contributor Insights¶
- Top N Contributors to Network traffic.
- Identify bad hosts.
- Works for any AWS-generated logs (VPC,DNS, etc..)
- Identify the heaviest network users.
CloudWatch Application Insights¶
- automated dashboard with monitored applications
- Support only select tech stack on ec2 (java, IIS, databases)
- can use additional resources (RDS, S3, SNS ...)
- Powered by Sage maker
- reduce time to troubleshoot
- alters and findings are sent to EventBride and SSM Ops Center.
- to s3 up to 12 hours.
- API call is “CreateExportTask”.
- Use log subscriptions for real time.
Log subscriptions¶
- Use a filter.
- Sent destination:
Multi account¶
- use one central kinesis and subscriptions.
CloudWatch Agent¶
- software on ec2.
- Needs correct permission.
CloudWatch Logs Agent¶
- old version
- only send to CloudWatch logs
CloudWatch Unified Agent¶
- more granular metrics than old agent.
- Collects system level metrics such as RAM processes etc.
- out-of-the box metrics for EC2
- Disk.
- CPU.
- network (high level).
- Collect logs to send to CloudWatch logs.
- Configuration via SSMParameterStore.
- active.
- Guest.
- Idle.
- System.
- User.
- Steal.
- Disk Metrics
- free.
- Used.
- Total.
- Disk IO
- writes.
- Reads.
- Bytes.
- Iops.
- Netstat:
- Number of TCP connections.
- Number of UDP connections.
- Net packets.
- Bytes.
- Processes
- total.
- Dead.
- Bloqued.
- Idle.
- Running.
- Sleep.
- Swap Space:
- free.
- Used.
- Used %.
CloudWatch Alarms¶
- trigger notifications from any metric or filter.
- OK.
- Insufficient Data.
- Alarm.
- length of time to evaluate the metric.
Composite Alarms¶
- multiple alarms combined (multi metric alarm).
- And or conditions.
EC2 Instance recovery¶
- Status Check.
- start recovery (move host but keep IPS, metadata and placement groups).